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php 패스워드 자동 생성 본문
/* *
* Function : string rand_pass()
* Purpose : Returns a random but pronounceable password.
* Note: You may edit the $num_letters and $array variables
* Author: Sebastien Cevey <>
* Project: Web OpenScripts <>;
* */
function rand_pass() {
# Pronounceable pieces of words
$array = array(
# The number of letters
$num_letters = 6;
# Fraction of uppercased letters (randomized too...)
$uppercased = 3;
# Randomize on microseconds
mt_srand ((double)microtime()*1000000);
# Create random pass (too long for the moment)
for($i=0; $i<$num_letters; $i++)
$pass .= $array[mt_rand(0, (count($array) - 1))];
# Make sure there is not twice the same letter one after the other
for($i=1; $i<strlen($pass); $i++) {
if(substr($pass, $i, 1) == substr($pass, $i-1, 1))
$pass = substr($pass, 0, $i) . substr($pass, $i+1);
# Randomize the pass case [for each letter]
for($i=0; $i<strlen($pass); $i++) {
if(mt_rand(0, $uppercased) == 0)
$pass = substr($pass,0,$i) . strtoupper(substr($pass, $i,1)) . substr($pass, $i+1);
# Shorten it now
$pass = substr($pass, 0, $num_letters);
# Return the password
return $pass;
echo rand_pass();
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